Transforming Classrooms in a Technology-Driven Age
In today’s increasingly complex world, educational professionals are faced with the question: How do we prepare today’s students for the workplaces of the future? In an age of accelerated digital transformation and rapidly changing skill demands, LinkedIn’s Learning 2020 Workplace Learning Report reveals a growing demand for soft skills and technological competency. To address the changing skill demands, the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and the Center for Third Space Thinking is collaborating with the Merced Union High School District (MUHSD) on a learning program focused on digital storytelling, video production and soft skills development in a technology-driven age.
The program is based on five years of research in which the center identified five critical skills necessary for youth to succeed in a fast-paced digital economy: adaptability, cultural competency, empathy, intellectual curiosity, and 360-degree thinking. To encourage student’s adoption of these critical skills, the center is working with teachers and students to transform their classrooms into environments that develop 21st century skills.
“Our collaboration with USC Annenberg will enhance the work we are doing with our students to prepare them for college and for their careers, and we are excited for our students to work directly with USC and its team of experts,” said Costa Aguilar, an assistant superintendent with Merced Union High School District.
In addition to helping teachers and students hone critical soft skills, the program’s focus on digital storytelling and video production equips them with the tools to effectively share personal stories and engage with their communities. Moreover, the program’s inclusion of technological skills serves to open a window of career opportunities by introducing skills needed in entertainment and communications industries to Merced students who live in communities with agricultural-based economies. The program runs from February 19 - 21, 2020 and aims to enhance the work MUHSD is doing to prepare students for a career, college or both.